WWWeasel is written in WINTERP, the OSF/Motif Widget
INTERPreter. WINTERP provides a high-level, portable, object-oriented rapid
prototyping environment that significantly simplifies the creation of
GUI-based applications. WINTERP also provides a basis for allowing end-user
or system-integrator extensions to WWWeasel. WINTERP is written in
, an object-oriented
mini-lisp interpreter with significant high-level GUI application
functionality implemented directly in C for efficiency and for relatively
small runtime size. Similarly architected mini-lisp-extensible applications
include SoftQuad's SGML editor programming interface, GNU Emacs Lisp, and
the AutoLisp extension language for AutoCAD.
Extensibility enables the creation of project-specific document templates, and HTML fill-in ``macros,'' which are useful for creating task-specific Internet publishing styles. The set of markup objects may be extended with ``active markup objects'' which may access other programs (e.g. databases, spreadsheets, etc.) to dynamically compute and format data for inclusion in an HTML document at the time the document is published.
The authoring environment's extensibility simplifies the integration of new task- or manufacturer- specific media types, media converters, and document format converters into a delivered system. WINTERP provides an asynchronous subprocess facility which is used to perform media capture and conversion as a background process. By using system-supplied or 3rd-party media capture/conversion programs, portability across different platforms is facilitated, and media extensions are easier to develop.