WINTERP 2.0 Utilities Library
- Setup *ERRHOOK* for use during WINTERP prototyping or application-test-deliveries. After loading this file, all XLISP language errors occuring during execution while *breakenable* is NIL will pop up a WINTERP dialogue box containing:
- an "ok" button to close the window
- the error message from XLISP/WINTERP
- a button to exit application in case of severe error or winterp use by novice user of application.
- the baktrace: display execution environment of error
NOTE: the code in this file (err-hook.lsp) works only with Motif versions >= 1.2; for older versions of Motif (1.0, 1.1), the file err-hook0.lsp is automatically loaded from this file.
- err-hook0.lsp
- Motif 1.1 or Motif 1.0 version of err-hook.lsp. See description in that file for details.
- get-colors.lsp
- Sets up *X11-COLORS-LIST*, which is used by other applications that need a list of the system colors from /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt
- hashtable.lsp
- Hash_Table_Class -- initialize a hash table, add entries, or find entries in the hash table.
- hex-to-dec.lsp
- Function hex-to-dec converts hexadecimal ASCII string to integer.
- initialize.lsp
- motif-vers.lsp
- Define *MOTIF-1.0-P*, *MOTIF-1.1-OR-LATER-P*, *MOTIF-1.1.3-OR-LATER-P*, *MOTIF-1.2-OR-LATER-P*
- nukeinptcb.lsp
- Define function 'REMOVE-ALL-INPUTCBS', which when called, will destroy/remove all currently active input callbacks that have been added via XT_ADD_INPUT. It will print out each destroyed input callback.
- nuketimout.lsp
- Define function 'REMOVE-ALL-TIMEOUTS' which when called, will destroy/remove all currently active timeout callbacks that have been added via XT_ADD_TIMEOUT. It will print out each destroyed timeout callback.
- prov-req.lsp
- WARNING -- WINTERP 2.0 HAS BUILT-IN 'PROVIDE' and 'REQUIRE' SO YOU PROBABLY SHOULD NOT USE THIS FILE FOR NEW PROGRAMS. Pseudo version of common lisp's provide/require functionality Note that this uses the X11r4 routine XT_RESOLVE_PATHNAME XtResolvePathname(), therefore you can only use this w/ Motif >= 1.1.
- After loading this file, all output to stderr from WINTERP and it's subprocesses (via exp_popen exp_spawn system popen) gets output to a XmText widget. If popped-down, this window pops up upon new activity on stderr.
NOTE: the code in this file (redir-err.lsp) works only with Motif versions >= 1.2; for older versions of Motif (1.0, 1.1), the file redir-err0.lsp is automatically loaded from this file.
- redir-err0.lsp
- Motif 1.1 or Motif 1.0 version of redir-err.lsp. See description in that file for details.
- After loading this file, all output to stdout from WINTERP and it's subprocesses (via exp_popen exp_spawn system popen) gets output to a XmText widget. If popped-down, this window pops up upon new activity on stdout.
- redir-out0.lsp
- Motif 1.1 or Motif 1.0 version of redir-out.lsp. See description in that file for details.
- show-busy.lsp
- Macro '(WINTERP-SHOW-BUSY-PROGN <progn-code>)' works just like '(PROGN <progn-code>)', however, WINTERP-SHOW-BUSY-PROGN will turn on WINTERP's "busy cursor" during exectution of <progn-code>.
- unixstuf.lsp
- Various and Sundry UN*X interfaces.
- uxproc-cls.lsp
Niels P. Mayer
Last modified: Fri Feb 5 12:49:01 PST 1999